Leadership SouthCoast is seeking employers to sponsor their employees as Class of 2010 participants. The program year commences in September 2009. Scholarship support is also being solicited for aspiring leaders whose employers are not able to sponsor them, or for those individuals who may require help paying for the program or who are on their own. Applications, as well as other information, are available at www.leadershipsouthcoast.org.
Leadership SouthCoast’s mission is to provide the SouthCoast region with an ongoing source of diverse leaders. The program develops committed, knowledgeable and action-oriented individuals to serve as catalysts in promoting positive changes – people ready to roll up their sleeves and work to make the SouthCoast a better place to live, work, and visit.
Each year, Leadership SouthCoast selects a diverse group of acknowledged and aspiring leaders to participate in a thought-provoking, 10-month community leadership program consisting of two one-day retreats, eight monthly full-day sessions, and a series of structured small group team-building activities. Participants are challenged by a variety of SouthCoast issues presented by leaders and experts in their fields. The program includes on-site visits, readings, discussion groups, and other developmental activities.
“There are now nearly 100 graduates who have benefited from Leadership SouthCoast and they are easily recognized as active and dedicated leaders in organizations, projects, and initiatives throughout the SouthCoast,” said James Mathes, Leadership SouthCoast board chairman and executive director of the SMILES Mentoring Program.
Tuition for each participant has been reduced to $2,000.
Michael Metzler, incoming Leadership SouthCoast executive director and retired president of St. Anne’s Hospital, expects to recruit a class of 25 to 30 students. Prospective students, sponsors and donors may go to www.leadershipsouthcoast.org for more information and Metzler’s contact information.
Leadership SouthCoast was founded in 2004 as a non-profit entity within the University of Massachusetts Foundation.