A ground-breaking ceremony featuring local, transportation and aviation officials was held recently at the New Bedford Regional Airport for the airport’s $17.4 million Runway 5-23 reconstruction project.
The multi-year reconstruction project will expand the safety aprons on both ends of the airport’s primary runway, extending the runway area to 5,000 linear feet.
Construction will be phased over a three-year period from December 2010 through Fall 2013. The project will also include the installation of new lights, new airfield guidance signage and new pavement markings.
Total reconstruction cost for the project is estimated at $17.4 million with an approximate $9.5 million contribution from the FAA, a $7 million contribution from the state and an approximate $900,000 contribution (representing about 5 percent of the total cost) from the city.
The project is expected to support approximately 100 construction jobs in addition to work required by project engineers and environmental scientists, the city said in a statement.
“A modernized and improved New Bedford Regional Airport is an important component of the 21st century economic revitalization of New Bedford’s commerce and travel based economy,” said Mayor Scott W. Lang. “I sincerely appreciate the efforts of Senator Kerry, Congressman Frank, Governor Patrick and the Obama Administration in bringing these valuable resources to New Bedford to create construction jobs now and private sector jobs in the future.”
“This runway reconstruction and safety project, along with other airfield improvements being made around the country, represents an important and continuing investment in aviation infrastructure development,” said Amy Lind Corbett, regional administrator for FAA’s New England Region. “Making these improvements now will pay dividends later for everyone involved in aviation.”
January 21, 2011 1:56 PM
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